Without regular professional cleaning, your office space will serve as a gathering place for all kinds of germs, bacteria, and other potentially harmful material; especially now that we are in the midst of a global pandemic. Now is the time when you need professional carpet and upholstery cleaning in Los Angeles performed by experts from Dave’s Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning – a trusted professional cleaning operation for more than 30 years.

To make the most of your professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, there are some important steps you and your staff can take ahead of your appointment.

1.  Vacuum Carpets Before Cleaning Appointment

Giving your office carpets a good vacuuming before they get professionally cleaned will remove all excess dirt and dust to make it easier for the powerful cleaning chemicals to penetrate effectively inside the carpet fibers.

2. Remove Furniture, Clutter

Our technicians use industrial grade cleaning equipment that need space to operate safely and effectively. Move as much of your office furniture as possible, to a safe place for optimal results.

3. Pin Up Curtains and Draperies

For the preservation of your window coverings and to give carpet cleaners the clearest path, it is best to pin up any draperies and curtains throughout the office. Keeping them up and off the carpet by at least six inches, will keep the curtains safe and dry throughout the cleaning process.

4.     Clear the Entryway

Technicians performing carpet and upholstery cleaning in Los Angeles will be hauling heavy equipment and materials in and out of your business as they work. For everyone’s convenience and safety, reserve the entryway of your office for the cleaning crew.

Contact Dave’s Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Today

Dave’s Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning is a full-service, truck-mount cleaning company that has been servicing residential and commercial properties throughout the Los Angeles area for more than 30 years. Trained, experienced, and knowledgeable technicians will leave the carpets in your office or home clean, fresh, and as new-looking as possible.

To learn more about the wide range of services we offer, please contact the industry experts at Dave’s Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning at 310.230.3800 to get started. For further information please visit www.Davesrugcare.com/